Feeling a Bit Blue

Friday, June 11, 2010

I've gotten a lot of shit for not blogging.  I know my absence was a little jarring, having gone from posting once a day to absolutely nothing. The truth is, I have been traveling a lot; some for work and some for fun. Just within the last two weeks I've been through: Annapolis, Martha's Vineyard, Boston, New Haven, DC, Salt Lake City, San Jose and LA. There were times when I could have blogged, but didn't.

I had been kind of in a slump. None of my dates were panning out to be more than a simple distraction (with my not owning a tv and all) and mostly they all disappointed me in one way or another. I had decided to swear off dating for at least a week...or two. This free time drove me to go to the gym twice a day, where even the eye candy wasn't the same anymore (half-Asian Anderson Cooper had gone missing). I wish I could say that I saw my friends more or tried to find a new hobby, but honestly, I didn't do any of those things. I withdrew within myself and just needed to take a breather.

I had discovered that I was dating for the sake of dating and not because it was fun or because I wanted to meet people. I'm single, therefore I should date, right? Things just aren't fun when they start feeling purely obligatory.

Fear not, I'm back. Maybe not dating as much or as heavily, but definitely still enjoying New York and investigating new restaurants, shops and neighborhoods. After all, it's summertime in NYC, arguably the best time to be here. Bummed that you won't be hearing disaster dating stories? Don't worry, I have quite that backlog that I haven't even shared with you yet.

Stay tuned.


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