About Me
Because I'm pretty lazy sometimes, I'm going to post the profile I wrote for Match.com. I also do think that it says a lot about me. Here goes:
I just came off of a nine-year relationship with DC. We were great and had a good time, but I had outgrown it and was ready for something new. So I packed my uhaul van last week and made the 227 miles trek to my new love, New York City. By the way, I parallel parked that van on 7th St to perfection (just wanted to give my superb parking skills a shout out, lol).
As one of the city's newest residents, I'm interested in meeting interesting people and exploring this place I now call home. I love to eat and to be active (sometimes this goes hand in hand and oftentimes not) and to try new things in general. In fact, my personal motto is "I'll try anything once".
In terms of food, I love everything, from Michelin star restaurants to food carts (which I follow on twitter) and absolutely everything in between. The only food allergy I have is to apples, which my mom tends to conveniently forget.
To make sure that I don't turn into the 400lb woman who gets stuck in a tub (or on a toilet seat or in a bed), I tend to stay pretty active. I love to run in Central Park, go to the gym, go bouldering and go to the driving range. If you can think of anything else that's active and challenging, bring it on!
I do like to go out and grab drinks from time to time. Speakeasies are more my speed since I like to have intellectual debates on whether or not they should have included women on Tool Academy or if GTL should be trademarked by The Situation. Topics to avoid include Urlacher's injury the first game of the season this past year. I read all the articles on how great it was that he was finally injury-free and how the Bears were going to have a good season and then that happened. I don't like to talk about it because it just pisses me off. Rant over.
Non-alcohol infused activities include: going to sports games, the theatre, music shows, comedy shows (I love Mortified, check it out), art galleries, "insert something you like to do here".
Full disclosure, I'm not looking for a soulmate here, there or anywhere. I'm just looking for someone who can be my partner in crime in this city I consider the center of the universe (my universe, at least). So if you think you're up to it, then perfect! By the way, please run spellcheck if you think we'd be a good fit. I think good spellers are sexy ;) Bad spellers are my equivalent of Jon Gosselin.