Open Letter to the Firefighter

Monday, April 26, 2010

Dear Firefighter who will remain nameless,

You texted me twice on Saturday and left me a voicemail.  The texts read "Hey what's up" and "What now you don't want to hang out?".  The voicemail said, "Hey why don't you want to take my calls?".  The fact of the matter is, everything was sent around 3AM and while I was out with friends at that time and thinking about making a couple of booty calls, you're the last one on that list, if you're even on that list (which you're not).

You never call me when you're sober or even during normal business hours (5PM-9PM is an acceptable time frame to call someone to make plans).  We've never met up beyond that one time I saw your apartment (see Putting out the Fire).  The last time I texted you back was probably 3 weeks ago.  So, my message to you is GIVE IT UP!  

I know you're a NYC firefighter, so that means that girls are probably fawning over you half the time.  You're also only 25 and annoy the hell out of me.  Please do me a favor, lose my number. Stat.



Anonymous,  April 26, 2010 at 7:01 PM  

Yes, why don't they get the hint?! Also, I love your below post. Such great quotes- very good to put that down on the list- I can't remember anything the ex I thought I was going to marry said. I was trying to post a comment on that post, but I kept getting an error- but hopefully it'll be resolved soon :) xo, mel

Anonymous,  May 31, 2010 at 1:26 PM  

I am falling in love with a firefighter who is about to get married and is 5,000 miles away, he skypes and emails me, what should i do

227miles June 11, 2010 at 9:51 PM  

I'm sorry for being MIA. I think you should walk away quickly, maybe even run. A wise friend once told me, if he wants to be with you, he would be with you.

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