Gifts for the Social Media Geek

Monday, May 17, 2010

My birthday's in July.  Hint, hint.

Nerd Merit Badges

I love checking in on foursquare all day, every day.  Just like you guys, I'm obsessed with unlocking new badges.  Does this make me a geek? Abso-fucking-lutely.  Unfortunately I can't wear my geek badge with pride, until now.  Nerd merit badges are 1.5" with velcro backing so you can stick them pretty much anywhere.  They only have a limited number of foursquare badges currently but sign up for their email list and they'll email you when a new one comes out.  $5.99/badge. Get them at

Craftsquatch Pillows

One of my friends, who happens to be a social media guru, just had a birthday recently.  What do you get the man who has everything? A facebook pillow of course! Justin of Craftsquatch hand makes these bad boys. I think it's a great way to spice up an otherwise boring analog couch.  Since they're made individually, it takes from 4-7 weeks between the time that you order them and when you get them. Totally worth the wait and not for procrastinators ;) $16.99-$27.99/pillow Get them at

Fail Whale Flair

What do you do when life gives you lemons? Make lemonade. What do you do when the fail whale shows up because twitter is down AGAIN!?! Celebrate it by wearing it on your chest! The women's shirt comes in 12 different colors ranging from $22.75-$32.35 depending on color.  You can get the fail whale on pretty much anything, mugs, mouse pads (ugh, who even uses those?), baby onesies. Check them out at

YouTwittFace Thong

Yeah, I know. It's hard for me to decide which social networking website I love more.  Much like dating in New York, now you don't have to settle for just one.  I don't know why but I cracked up when I saw this thong.  Now just stick some foursquare buttons on it and you'll be ready to meet the nerd of your dreams.  Would that be Mark Zuckerberg? His single-mindedness of world domination is scary...and sexy at the same time.  I also love that you'd be insulting whoever ends up in that region.  The thong is $12 but you can get the logo on a variety of thing. Check the whole collection out here.


Do you love Twitter? Like, a lot? Thank my friend V for this one. Get whatever twitter handle/trending topic you want on a necklace, bracelet, ring or earrings. What would I get? Probably #JustinBieber. Prices start at $49.95 for the necklaces and you can get them here.

Foursquare Badge Mania!

More actual foursquare badges? I know, I shit you not. 1" foursquare badges with pins on the back rather than velcro and at $18 for 20 of them? I don't even know where to put them! Maybe these can be the new currency and we can get rid of money?

"I love you more than _____" Card

The perfect social media gift has to come with the perfect social media card, right? I think this card is pretty self explanatory.  And honestly, if I love you more than I love facebook then that means I REALLY love you. $12.50/card


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